Well, last night whilst an excellent but short work out has taken its toll on me this week. An improper cool down, followed by total immobility (i.e. going to sleep early) has resulted in PAIN. Lots of it. AAARGH!
This if the first time in a long time that I've had to resort to medical intervention and swalled a few ibuprofen tablets to help reduce the inflammation of the muscles in my foreams, arms, shoulders and back... Strangely even though I lifted heavily with my legs I am not sore there - maybe I kick about a lot in my sleep? hmm...
Why am I so sore today? well on Saturday I had to take a few goes at getting a decent video for the chin up post. Got a good work out but doing 30 chin ups using only your fingertips to grip with left my forearms in tatters on Sunday. So when I did lift on Sunday I had to alter my grip slightly which meant that my arms, back and even neck were worked harder than usual.
The result..."AAAARGH!"
I've been putting up with it for about 8 hours so far but enough is enough...had to take some pain killers and will spend about an hour under the shower on "Hot Massage" setting tonight to try and blast some of the pain out of me.
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