Diet seems to be difficult for a lot of people. It's easy for me. Eat. Everything. Right now. Every day. Thinking about it though, there must be something I do differently to others to manage first of all to eat the same quantity every day without being sick, and secondly to not fall asleep at work after eating what I eat. assured...I used all the geek powers at my disposal (including those found on the informationsuperofficenet) to figure out what I was doing and why it works.
First of all lets deal with capacity. Stomachs have a massive capacity. You would be surprised how much they can hold. What limits them is first of all the space available to them, and secondly their suppleness.
I - after a large operation in 2002 - have masses of spare space in my abdomen after losing 1/3 of my intestines. That means when I do eat I can cram a lot more in without feeling like I am about to burst. Ok, I'm at an advantage and I dont suggest you go get 1/3 of your guts removed just so you can eat more. Stretching your stomach can be as simple as just massaging it a bit before eating to make it relax a bit, remember your abdomen is responsible for most of your vertical stability so its always under tension.
So now, I know how to eat loads but if you (or I for that matter) were to eat a 2lb piece of meat, you would soon want to sleep it off for a few hours. My boss is great but I think even he would draw the line at me having a nap at my desk!
So, how do you eat masses during the day without sleeping. Balance what you eat with the energy levels it is going to give you and the energy levels needed to process it. Each meal has to be a mix of sugars, simple carbs, complex carbs and well as a little fat and salt to keep your body ticking over.
So...Lets take breakfast as an example...
Start with porridge oats (complex carbs), now add some full fat milk (protein and fats) getting there but add some golden syrup (simple carbs) and a banana (simple carbs) ...some white toast (simple carbs) with butter (fats and salts) and jam (simple carbs and sugar), and there you go. Balanced energy for a few hours.
How does it work? Well the jam and syrup give you instant get up and go energy in the form of the sugar they contain. The banana and to a lesser extent the jam too contain high levels of fructose and some other simple carbs which whilst quickly absorbed are absorbed more slowly than the sugar in the syrup...these two keep you going for around 30-45 the white bread kicks in keeping the energy levels topped up for a further 30-40 mins by which time the complex carbs of the oats are being released and absorbed into your body for a further hour or so. Thats 2.5 hours of energy.
And now its time to eat again...keeping the same kind of pattern throughout the day, balancing complex carbs with smaller amounts of simple carbs and sugars will stop that lull most of us feel after a meal. Try it... I bet it works!
PS if it doesn't work then I am not to be held accountable. Its your body and probably works differently from mine. They are all different, thats why doctors only ever "practice".